The mini-series of Bryce Courtenay's "The Potato Factory" screened on the Channel 7 Network (Australia) in July, 2000. Starring Lisa McCune, Ben Cross and Sonia Todd, this is a ripper yarn of Dickensian London and early life in the colonies. Carl's music adds a whole new dimension to the story, ranging from the majestic to the tragic.
The Tall Poppies Orchestra performs this remarkable score conducted by the composer, and the recording was co-produced by Tall Poppies' Belinda Webster and recording engineer Christo Curtis. |
Streets of London Young Love Goes Wrong Mary's Hands Mary's First Job Egyptian Mary Ikey's Shopped Ikey Escapes Transportation to the Colonies Hannah the Viper Ikey & Mary Business in the Colonies Tommo & Hawk Going Bush Ikey's Safe Reunited | 3:28 2:47 3:14 3:06 2:36 2:52 3:20 3:12 3:09 3:50 1:28 2:32 4:46 4:15 2:18 |
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