Piano Sonata No. 3
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Piano Sonata No. 3
solo piano
duration 22 min  © 2007 Faber Music
Available on the Master Performers CD From Shadows
Available on the Enharmonic Records CD
Available on the Fleur De Son CD Vine, Gershwin & Kennison: Works for Piano
Available on the CD Scriabin & Vine
Available on the Dynamic Records CD Carl Vine Complete Piano Sonatas

sample performed by Benjamin Boren
on iTunes: [1] [2] [3]
Buy a copy of the score
Also see: Piano   Solos and Duos  
Program Note:

This work is constructed in four sections that are to be played without breaks between them: fantasia – rondo – variations – presto.

The Fantasia introduces several ideas which reappear in various guises in all of the other movements, but also includes some undeveloped declamatory material. The Rondo explores a simple rhythmic motive while the Variations develop the chordal theme that opens the work. The Presto is a self-contained ternary structure that echoes thematic components from much that preceded it.

Piano Sonata Nº 3 was commissioned by the Gilmore International Keyboard Festival and the Colburn School, assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. The recipient of the 2004 Gilmore Young Artist Award, Elizabeth Schumann, gave the world premiere performance at Zipper Hall, Los Angeles, California on 11th May 2007.

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